CNC, plasma and gas cutting
We offer cutting services with the power of two CNC-controlled plasma cutters, a traditional plasma cutter or a combination of a modern fine beam plasma and a traditional internal combustion cutting machine. With fine beam plasma, we cut structural steels, aluminum, stainless / acid-resistant steels and hard-welded “armor plates”. Our fine beam plasma has a so-called “True Hole” function, which allows us to cut holes in several materials with sufficient accuracy.
The size of the fine beam plasma and gas cutting table is 6000mm * 2500mm on the water table. In our traditional plasma cutting machine, the table size is 4000mm * 2000mm with a water table.
The cutting surface of the fine beam plasma is clear and clean. We use DWG and DXF images for control. If necessary, we can also cut the shapes drawn on the paper or make the shapes of the cutting path even from the finished piece.